
Digify Point

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What You Will Be Learning

Course Outline

A group question and answer segment will be done to treat where you may feel you have threats, we will however be touching the topics below:

  1. Proper recommendation for Password Generation and Management
  2. How to use notifications to your advantage
  3. How to mitigate malware from your devices (3rd party apps)
  4. How to secure your devices from physical contact intrusion
  5. How to setup 2fa, dos and don’t, recommended apps and practices
  6. How to protect your bank from being hacked in case you lose your device
  7. How to avoid identity theft and digital abduction
  8. How to avoid and mitigate phishing attacks
  9. How to avoid an acoustics attack (A recent form of attack said to have 95% accuracy)

And More…………

Register For The Extended 3-Day Training Now

Online Safety Registration - Conversational Form

Price: ₦5,000.00
Apply Coupon

Payment instructions:

If you intend to pay with a transfer

  1. After filling out the form click "Join Extended Training"
  2. Select "Pay with Transfer"
  3. An account number will be generated for you
  4. After you have made your transfer, click "I've sent the money", if you don't, payment may not be recorded and will be refunded, which means you won't have access to the extended training.

Remember to use your coupon if you have one, if you entered your email while watching the free video, check your email for a ₦2,000 coupon.